
Honorary citizen of the cities of Lausanne, Morges and Vevey, Ignacy Paderewski was much more than a great man whose achievements were readily praised – at times even in the hope of somehow basking in his glory. He was indeed regarded by many as one of their own and as such greatly esteemed, for he was Swiss by choice, and held his preferred land close to his heart, despite his exotic surname – even though in the early twentieth century numerous Polish exiles sought refuge by the shores of Lake Leman. He settled in Morges in 1897, and turned this haven into a centre for his countless activities, leaving his mark on the entire region not only by the fascinating company he entertained on his estate but also by the exceptional musical performances that enthralled his audiences. From fundraising events for the « Paderewski Concert Hall » in Lausanne to the unforgettable 1913 Saint-Saëns Festival in Vevey, not to mention the unmissable visit of the Riond-Bosson estate, we offer you a journey into Paderewski’s Swiss universe.